De Sul Vyttyn (Sunday Morning)
Words & music: Richard Gendall; 2/12/79, ©Sentinel Music, Arrangement: Brenda Wootton. “Lyonesse” album RCA France; 37656; PL 70299; 1982
De sul vyttyn, ty y’m gwely, golow deth yu namnygen,
Wath yth esos-ta owth huna, tom ha clos ryb ow thenewan,
Kellys yn neb bys abell, pell dres gweles a dhyun.
Ty a garaf, ty an gwythyas oll ow bew.
An croglennow yu ygerys, new glaw war an quarel yeyn,
Besyas noth an etlen danow us ow cravas Ios an ebren,
Dres am to an gwyns a don hungan gwaf dhe’m cuf colon.
Ty a garaf, ty an gwythyas oll ow bew.
My a vyr whare ow uryor, eth ur passyes solabrys,
A’th dyfunaf gans ow hussyn, ty may tryllyf tre y’m bewnans?
A’th dyfunaf? Ogh! Na! Na! An pols gwynvys-ma ny dhur!
Ty a garaf, ty an gwythyas oll ow bew.
Sunday Morning (Richard’s English version)
Thou and I on Sunday morning
Light of day has scarcely dawned,
Still art thou so peaceful dreaming,
By my side, so snugly, warmly,
Wandering in some world afar,
Far beyond my wakening sight…
Thou my loving… thou the keeper of my life…
Through the window, curtains opened,
Drizzle on the cold panes falls,
Poplar fingers bare and slender
Scratch against the sky so grey,
Across the roof the wind is crooning
Winter lullaby to my dear…
Thou my loving… thou the keeper of my life…
Presently my watch is telling
Eight o’clock already gone –
Shall I wake thee with my kissing
So I bring thee back to living?
Shall I wake thee? Oh! No, no!
This blest moment will not last,
Thou my loving… thou the keeper of my life…
Richard’s comment:
“Perhaps this needs no explanation? Sunday morning beside a sleeping lover… how long can the precious moment last? One would like to awaken the lover and share a common plane of awareness, yet it would spoil something rare and delicate.One is in a cocoon of time in one’s protected surroundings, while the world, perhaps harsh, continues its way relentlessly outside. Enjoy the moment of happiness, which is only fleeting. Outside, there will be regrets.”
Sue Ellery-Hill 2020