The choir was resurrected after 28 years in April 1981 when a public meeting was held and Mr Ivan Kessell was appointed as musical director with Margaret Hocking as accompanist. A committee was formed and the initial membership was about 20 men.
Musical Directors following the demise of Mr Kessell were Ken Findlay, with his wife, Sheila as accompanist and who both retired in 1991 to be replaced by Archie Richards from a brass band background with a new accompanist, Ruth Kerkin. Roselle Lutey also joined with the choir to sing solos.
Many local concerts were arranged including evenings at the former Sully’s Hotel in Perranporth. The choir also had association with a choir in South Wales and had joined the Cornish federation of Male Voice Choirs. It took part in the Festival of Cornish male choirs at the Albert Hall, London. Latterly, it had an association with the St Columba MVC and several members belonged to both.
The choir had an eclectic repertoire being a mix of modern songs and old Cornish favourites.
In 1994, a tape recording of the choir was made at St Newlyna Church.
Throughout, it had a close association with the social programme and life of St Newlyn East, its Church and Carnival.
Sadly, in November 1997 the choir was disbanded due to falling numbers and its considerable funds dispersed to many local causes and charities. The electric piano was donated to the Perranporth Ladies Choir.
Below is appended a copy of the St Newlyna carol which is claimed to have originated from St Newlyn East and not that other Newlyn in the west!
In days gone by the seers foretold
A child would come for us to hold
Within our hearts for evermore
It was the child that Mary bore
One night there shone a star so bright
It led three wise men through the night
To Bethlehem and stable bare
And to the babe they worshipped there
But shepherds were the first to see
The babe who would our Saviour be
With faith they instantly believed
The heavenly message they’d received
They knew the babe, we know the Lord
Who will forever be adored
Come let us sing our Christmas love
For Him who reigns with God above
Tune – Troyte’s chant
Words – John Hawken
Only one tape was made and this contained the following:-
- Softly as I leave you
- Portrait of my love
- The Lord’s prayer
- If my songs were only winged
- Myfanwy
- A medley of love songs
- Dashenka
- Clair de lune
- Brown bird singing
- Amen
- The lily of the valley
- Amazing love
The tape was recorded by Paul Martyn who held the copyright but is no longer available so we are unable to add any examples here. However, a copy of the tape will be lodged at Kresen Kernow.