Getting Started

We know that sometimes it’s not easy to know where to start writing, so check out the pointers for some different types of article below.

Most importantly, your article should be in your own words; it’s not ok to copy-and-paste, or reference someone else’s work without attributing it properly. Sounds simple, but it’s really important! See the full terms of use here, or contact us if you’re still not sure.

For all articles:
Kresen Kernow Reference

If you’re writing about something or someone that’s in the Kresen Kernow archive, add the reference number here so that people can find out more about it. 


If you’re uploading photos, as above, make sure you have permission to do so from the people featured and the copyright holder.

Further Resources and External Links

If you’ve used any books or websites to help you, add a list of them here so your readers know where to look to find out more. It’s also good manners, and helpful for authors and writers to have their work referenced. Add them in a list at the end of your article, like the example below:

  1. Lowender Peran,
  2. Merv Davey, Alison Davey and Jowdy Davey, Scoot Dances, Troyls, Furrys and Tea Treats: The Cornish Dance Tradition (London: Francis Boutle) 2009.

For people:
Personal Details

If you’re writing about a person, you could include a full name, places and dates, where they were born/lived/married/died as far as possible. 

Style and Important Works

If you’re writing about a composer or performer, you might want to write about what sort of music they wrote or performed here.

For performing groups:

How did the group get together?


If you’re writing about a performing group, you could include who is in the group and what they play – or, if it’s a large and long-standing group with a lot of members over many years, you could include a list of leaders or important performers. 


Write about what sort of music they play or played; what their influences were,

Important performances

Have the group played somewhere notable or as part of a big event? Perhaps they’re a brass band that always are the centre of the local carnival. Or a male voice choir that have performed somewhere amazing like the Royal Albert Hall –

Years Active

When the group was active from and to?

Released Recordings

If the group released any music, you could include a list of it here – for example

  1. Dalla, More Salt, 2005
  2. Nankersey Male Voice Choir, Row Boatman Row, 1994
Memories of an event
About the event: what/where/when/why

Set the scene! Explain what the event was – a performance, a carnival, a festival, a wedding – help your readers understand what was going on.

Who was performing and what was the music like?

If you know who the performers were, add the name here – and if you’re not sure, at least describe the group. For example, was it a five-piece folk band, a group of shanty singers, a violin/guitar duo? What was going on around the music? Was it a sit-down performance? Incidental music at a wider event? Was the music for dancing?

Why was the music important to you?

You could record your own personal reaction to the music. Did you enjoy it and why? Did it inspire you?