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Defining Cornish Music

Defining Cornish-ness is an age-old challenge – what makes a person (or a piece of music for that matter) Cornish for one person, might not be what makes it Cornish for another. Part of our aim is to represent the breadth and depth of music that is part of Cornish culture, so we’ve carefully considered how wide to cast our net of what to include in an archive of Cornish music. It can be quite the conundrum – consider for example, a piece of music written about Cornwall – but not by a Cornish person? Or, to take the opposite example, written by a Cornish person – but with nothing particularly “Cornish” about the music?

We’ve put our heads together and decided to include music that is, or has been: popular in Cornwall, impactful in Cornwall, written in Cornwall, written about Cornwall, inspired by Cornwall – thus aiming to include individuals, traditions and and compositions that express, reflect and celebrate Cornwall and our distinctive identity.

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Open downloadable pdf file: Ha_My_Ow_Mos Notes (1) Tonkin’s Spelling, (2) Morton Nance’s Spelling, (3) Modern Standard Written Form. Literal English Translation: As I was going out – On a blue / green downs, -I heard the sound of little fishes – But I found one great fish with nine tails, All the
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Open downloadable pdf file: Morvah_Fair Dialect Terms Balch                  Rope Heppen-Stock: A stone block rather like the old milk churn plats still found at old farmsteads. But were used for mounting one’s horse. Troachin:          To walk slowly The version of the lyrics for
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Open downloadable pdf file: Alphabet_Song Cornish version of an Alphabet Song recorded from the singing of Jim Thomas of Camborne by Ralph Dunstan in 1931. Alphabet songs were a popular Music Hall format and George Formby recorded one, with his usual innuendo in 1938. Peter Kennedy also recorded an Alphabet
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