Week St Mary is a civil parish and village south of Bude
Unknown formation date.
1840s: Week St Mary Brass Band active. (BBHD / John Brush)
1871: Bible Christian chapel, and, after their usual procession marched through the village headed by the Week St Mary Brass Band. (20 May 1871 – Royal Cornwall Gazette)
1885: Week St Mary Band, paraded the streets, marching from the Schoolroom. (Cornish & Devon Post 22 August 1885)
1887: Week St Mary Brass Band arrived and gave some splendid music. (Cornish & Devon Post 25th June 1887)
1888: On Bank Holiday the children, teachers, parents, and friends of the Bible Christian Sunday school had an outing to the seaside, and tea at Salthouse, and participated with large number of other visitors from Week St. Mary and elsewhere in enjoying the music of the waves, as well as that of the Week St. Mary brass band which was in attendance. (Cornish & Devon Post 18th August 1888)
1916: Week St Mary Rechabite Brass Band active. (BBHD / John Brush)
Compiled by Tony Mansell (Bardh Kernow)
This collection is a part of the Cornish National Music Archive (CNMA) project to Collect, Preserve and Share our Cornish Heritage and Culture.
It is based on location as each may have had more than one band.
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