St Enoder is a civil parish and hamlet five miles southeast of Newquay
Unknown formation date.
1869: The congregation, joined by many others, and headed by the St Enoder Band, proceeded to a field in the Church Town. (25 September 1869 – Royal Cornwall Gazette)
1872: Annual festival. A procession was formed at the Wesleyan chapel, and headed by the St Enoder Band, perambulated the neighbourhood. (20 July 1872 – Royal Cornwall Gazette)
1873: Assembled at the Wesleyan Chapel, formed in couples, and walked through the principal streets of the town, headed by the St Enoder Brass Band. Afterwards they proceeded to the ancient castle of Restormel, where 200 partook of a good tea. (9 June 1873 – West Briton and Cornwall Advertiser)
1873: The children and teachers perambulated the village and neighbourhood, headed the Brass Bands from Queens and St Enoder. About four o’clock they proceeded to the amphitheatre. (26 June 1873 – West Briton and Cornwall Advertiser)
1873: Cricket. St Enoder Brass Band was present. (2 August 1873 – Royal Cornwall Gazette)
1874: Seventh annual festival headed by the St Enoder Brass Band. (14 May 1874 – West Briton and Cornwall Advertiser)
1874: Teachers and children formed a procession, and, headed by the St Enoder amalgamated Brass Band. (23 July 1874 – West Briton and Cornwall Advertiser)
1890: Mr Old, St Enoder Brass Band MD. (BBHD)
1890: On Boxing-day the St Enoder Brass Band, under the leadership of Mr Old, came to Padstow and played some choice Christmas music at Prideaux-place. (2 January 1890 – Royal Cornwall Gazette)
1890s: St Enoder Brass Band active but probably not for long. (John Brush)
1916 – July: Queens Brass Band led the procession at the St Enoder Hospital Demonstration. Queens Brass Band and St Enoder Band played a programme of music. It seems that St Enoder Band consisted of a dozen lads whose “performance was a surprise to everyone, all the items being very well rendered, and reflected the highest credit not only on the lads themselves, but also their teacher, Mr T Brenton. (Trusting Fully Trusting by Dick Cole and Ann Reynolds)
1920: St Enoder Feast. St Enoder Brass Band was in attendance under Bandmaster Brenton. (2 May 1912 – West Briton and Cornwall Advertiser)
1920: Reference to St Enoder Orchestral Band. (2 December 1920 – West Briton and Cornwall Advertiser)
1921: Reference to St Enoder Orchestral Band. (1 December 1921 – West Briton and Cornwall Advertiser)
Unknown closure date.
Compiled by Tony Mansell (Bardh Kernow)
This collection is a part of the Cornish National Music Archive (CNMA) project to Collect, Preserve and Share our Cornish Heritage and Culture.
It is based on location as each may have had more than one band.
Our thanks go to all of the organisations and individuals, whether named or not, who have provided information and photographs for this archive.
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