Karol, Karol, Kristyon (Carol, Carol, Christians)
Kenys gans Keur Heb Hanow
Ilow: Matthew Burrows, Lanneves.
Geryow Kernewek: John Parker
Karol, karol Kristyon,
Kan ughel dha lev,
Kan awos dineythyans
Krist yw Myghtern an nev.
Dres an nos ow kwitha,
Aga flokk y’n pras,
Bugeledh a Vethlem
A viras marthus bras.
Karol, karol Kristyon,
Kan ughel dha lev,
Kan awos dineythyans
Krist yw Myghtern an nev.
Karol, karol.
Puptra oll o kosel
Pan dheuth gormola deg
Ow splanna warnedha
Gans kan kesson ha hweg.
Gwiskys oll yn golow,
Kannas Duw an Tas,
El a omdhiskwedhas,
Own a’s teva bras.
Dhedha ‘medh an el
‘Na berthewgh hwi own mann,
Dhywgh hwi ha dhe bobel oll
Y trov nowodhow splann.
Rag yn presep uvel
Yw genys Selwyas klor,
Krist an Arloedh gordhys
Yn fen, y’n nev ha’n nor’.
Distowgh y teuth routh veur
A eledh, lu an nev,
Ow kormel Duw ha kana,
Fest lowen aga lev.
Gordhyans y’n ughelder,
Re bo dhe Dhuw a ras,
Kres y’n bys dhe vabden
Ha’y volonjedh mas.
Karol, karol Kristyon,
Kan ughel dha lev,
Kan awos dineythyans
Krist yw Myghtern an nev.
Peub oll gwres kana,
Rag lemmyn, ott, dhyn ni,
Re dheuth Nadelik lowen
Arta yn pur dhevri.
English Words
Carol, carol, Christians,
Carol joyfully,
Carol for the coming
Of Christ’s nativity.
In the fields abiding,
Watching through the night,
Bethlem’s simple shepherds
Saw a glorious sight.
Carol, carol, Christians!
Carol joyfully,
Carol for the coming
Of Christ’s nativity.
Carol, Carol.
All was still and silent
When over hills around
Streamed a glorious radiance
With sweet, harmonious sound.
Came a holy Angel,
All in light arrayed,
Glory shone upon them,
And they were sore afraid.
‘Fear not’, said the Angel,
‘Tidings glad I bring,
For in lowly manger,
This night is born a King.
Now in David’s city,
Born is Christ the Lord,
Born to be a Saviour,
By heaven and earth adored’.
Suddenly appearing
Came an Angel throng,
Praising God and singing,
A glorious heavenly song.
‘In the Highest, Glory!
On the earth be peace!
Peace, goodwill from Heaven,
Begin and never cease’.
Carol, carol, Christians,
Carol joyfully,
Carol for the coming
Of Christ’s nativity.
Now a gladsome Christmas
To all Christian men!
Carol, carol gladly
For Christmas comes again.