July 2020
Cecil Brewer (Photo: courtesy of St Austell Silver Band)
By Tony Mansell
Born: 1909 in Tavistock
Married: Florence Evelyn in 1941
Died: 2004 in Cornwall
Cecil Brewer was born in 1909, in Tavistock, to Cornish parents. When he was about three years old his family returned to Cornwall – to St Austell where he grew up and eventually worked for St Austell Brewery.
Cecil Brewer began his playing career at the age of 14, in St Austell Town Band where he played cornet, an instrument he remained on for his entire playing career. During the late 1920s, St Austell Town Band were regular competitors at the National Brass Band Championships of Great Britain at Crystal Palace and Cecil played on two or more occasions including in 1927 when they were placed 3rd in the fifth section (Junior Shield B). At that time Mr E F Woodhead was conducting the band.
Like many St Austell folk, Cecil began working at ECLP but after a few years there was a downturn in the China Clay industry and he was made redundant. Following that he was employed as a clerk at St Austell Brewery where he remained for 45 years
In 1938 he was appointed musical director at the St Austell Town Band but the war years intervened, and with players leaving to join the armed forces, a meeting of bandsmen and members of the public was held to discuss whether or not to continue. In July 1939, the “West Briton and Cornwall Advertiser” reported that instruments, uniforms and other equipment should be returned and be held in trust until such time as the band could be re-formed”. The bandsmen present agreed that they would try to re-form the band as soon as possible. “Mr C Brewer, acting bandmaster, stated that the band had been unable to accept any engagements for this summer and it was also very unlikely that the band would be in a position to play on Hospital Saturday in six weeks’ time.”
In contrast to the bleak news in the band room, and in the war, happier times were about to take place and in 1941, Cecil married Florence Evelyn. A few years later they had one child, Keith, who followed his father into the band where he played cornet and then trombone.
Following the cessation of hostilities, the band re-formed under Charles Baker and, when he returned to conduct St Dennis Silver Band in 1947, Cecil Brewer was appointed musical director again, a position he held until 1962. During this time, the future of the band seemed precarious and when they had to vacate their rehearsal room they ceased playing for a while. However, an old Nissan hut came to the rescue and normal service was resumed.
The late 1940s was a time of re-building for the band and in 1952 Cecil Brewer took them to the West of England Bandsmen’s Festival (Bugle Contest) where they were placed 2nd in the Class B playing “Selection of Melodies of Long Ago” by J A Greenwood.
The first contest organised by the Cornwall Brass Band Association was held in 1956 and St Austell Band competed in the second section where they were placed 2nd.
Cecil was clearly content with the progress and in 1959 the band made the huge step up into the championship section where they were placed 4th out of the six competing bands.
St Austell silver Band with Cecil Brewer front row centre (Photo: courtesy St Austell silver Band)
In 1962 Cecil Brewer and St Austell Band parted company and two years later he was back at Bugle Contest but conducting Mount Charles Band in Class C. A rapid jump to Class B for the next two years and the association with them finished.
His son, Keith, said that Cecil was delighted to be asked to conduct the massed bands at Constantine Sunday on two occasions.
Cornwall Youth Brass Band
Cecil’s involvement with the CYBB possibly began in the mid to late 1950s. He was still there in the 1980s having missed only one of the annual courses. He tutored the cornets and occasionally the basses or, as he always referred to them, the basses – to rhyme with brasses.
The CYBB in 1960 under Denis Wright at St Austell Grammar School – Cecil Brewer on the left in front row
He was a popular figure with the youngsters with whom he always had time to share a joke and a chat. Indeed, they often found themselves waiting in anticipation for one of his risqué jokes. To most of the players, the tutors were addressed as Mr… but Cecil was the exception, he never objected to being referred to by his first name.
The CYBB in 1968 with Sir Malcolm Arnold (Photo: Grindley Studios)
Cecil Brewer is remembered with affection by the members he tutored. He was one of the leading figures in the re-formed CYBB both as a tutor and as treasurer, a position he held from 1967 to 1988 when his considerable contribution was rewarded when he was made President of the Cornwall Brass Band Association
The CYBB in 1978 with Cecil Brewer, Frank Moore, Reg Trudgian, Eric Ball, Eddie Williams, unknown, Hugh Camps
Cecil Brewer died in 2004: he would have been proud that the Cecil E Brewer Memorial Shield was presented for the Best Soloist in the Youth Section at the Cornwall Brass Band Association Contest.
Further Reading:
Pages on this website:
Cornwall Youth Brass Band – the early tutors
Cornish Brass Bands – Cornwall Youth Brass Band
Cornish Brass Bands – St Austell
Keith Brewer (Cecil’s son and former member of St Austell Town Band) for information provided.
All organisations and individuals, whether named or not, who have provided information and photographs for this brief biography. If you own the copyright to any of the photographs included, then please let us know and you will be credited, or the photographs removed.