August 2001: Buccas Four formed.
Bucca is an old name for a Newlyn man, where they first started.
Most singing is capella (without music).
A quartet comprising Charles Parke, Graham Warren, David Williams and Stephen Lawry.
June Stevens assists in rehearsals and also playa at concerts.
Buccas Four has achieved many first places at Camborne Music Festival and the Cornwall Music Festival in Truro, gaining Distinction and Honours markings.
Concerts in Concarneau in Brittany, Southern Ireland, and many counties in England and Wales.
Has appeared on National Television and Local and Jersey Radio.
2013: Stephen Lawry, Musical Director at the Cornwall International MVC Festival.
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This is a part of the Cornish National Music Archive (CNMA) project to Collect, Preserve and Share our Cornish Heritage and Culture.