Brian Webb – Brythennek
Brythennek – Brian Web
Brian Webb o den jolif, bras y golonn, leun a hwarth. Ev a skrifas meur a ganow yn Kernewek ha Sowsnek, ha didhanus ha truesi. A-dar henna ev a wonedhi yn fen avel Skrifennyas Kowethas an Yeth Kernewek yn blydhynyow a-varr an bagas na, hembrenkyas krev yn hwarvosow an yeth. Yn trist y ferwis nans yw ugens blydhen, marnas 45 bloedh y oes, koll bras dhe’n omsav Kernewek.
Brian Webb was a jolly, big hearted man full of laughter. He wrote many songs both in Cornish and in English, both amusing and sad. Apart from that he worked stalwartly as Secretary of the Cornish Language Fellowship in the early years of that group, a strong Leader in language events. Sadly he died twenty years ago, at the age of only 45, a great loss to the Cornish movement.
(Graham Sandercock 2005)
This collection of songs was taken from archive material, recordings made by Brian Webb and circulated to friends and fellow Cornish speakers to entertain and encourage the use of Kernewek. Language. This collection was compiled with the help of Loveday Jenkin, Graham Sandercock and Dave Crewes.
- Ow avon splann
- Pasty Song
- An tir yw ow bro
- Talking emmet blues
- Daskorr
- If it wasn’t for the Cornish
- Farwel genes Wella
- George the Magic Chough
- Frutys ha bleujennow
- Deck of cards
- Yth esov vy lemmyn spyrys yn-dan dhor
- St Michaels
- Goslowyn orth nowodhow trist
- We don’ sell pasties
- Warnas mutations
All songs copyright published here with permission Brian Webb estate