Arta ev a dheu- Kenys gans Buccas 4
An kan ma yw dyworth Solympnitys a’n Orsedh Kernow.
War skorren nooth prenn derow py kevir del yn gwav?
Hwath arta milvil dhelen las a dyv pan dheu an hav!
War dreth sygh yn prys mordrig rag skath py kevir dowr?
Saw arta lanwes mar a dheu, rag gorhel Myghtern lowr!
Py kevir howl y’n ebren yn tewlder hanternos?
Saw arta golow hanterdydh yn splannder a wra dos!
Py kevir Myghtern Arthur? Ny war den vyth an le.
Hwath nyns yw marow; ev a vew, hag arta ev a dheu!
On oak-boughs bare in winter where can a leaf be seen?
Yet summer shall bring back again a million leaves of green!
At ebb upon the sandbank where can a cockboat ride?
Yet there a King’s ship free shall float at flowing of the tide!
In all the sky at midnight what sun is there in sight?
Yet with the dawning it shall rise and flood the sky with light!
Where shall we find King Arthur? His place is sought in vain.
Yet dead he is not, but alive, and he shall come again!